# Template.CommonLisp This is a template for Common Lisp systems. It contains only the basics: - System/package definitions - Testing suite (using 5am) - Makefile for compiling executable - Documentation skeleton ## Usage Modify the following files: - Documentation: - README.md - CONTRIBUTING.md - LICENSE.txt - doc/ORGANIZATION.md - Build stuff: - Makefile - SYSTEM.asd - Code files: - src/SYSTEM.lisp - test/SYSTEM-test.lisp Do the following: - Replace any instance of the word SYSTEM with the name of the system/project. - Fill out the headers in each file (Filename, description, AUTHOR). - Delete all this template stuff in the README. - [Do stuff in brackets] ## Notes - This template assumes that Quicklisp is installed to `~/lisp/quicklisp/`. If it is not, you need to update the `Makefile` to load Quicklisp from wherever you have it installed. README template follows: # SYSTEM [Description of SYSTEM]. ## Current State of SYSTEM SYSTEM is in [state]. ## Installation [How to install this thing] ## Usage [How to use this thing] ## Documentation Most documentation can be found in the `doc/` directory. Important documentation files include: - `README.md`: Documentation entrypoint. - `CONTRIBUTING.md`: How to contribute to this repository. - `doc/ORGANIZATION.md`: An outline of all directories/files in the repository. ## Contributing to SYSTEM Contributions are welcome. Please follow the guidelines in `CONTRIBUTING.md`. ## License This software is available under the MIT License (see `LICENSE.txt`).